The 1615 House's story begins with a seemingly insurmountable obstacle: a pronounced topography that posed a significant constraint. Instead of shying away from the challenge, the architects embraced it, conceptualizing the project through the lens of its section. This approach resulted in a stepped cascade that effortlessly integrates with the landscape, adapting to the slope while opening itself up to the mesmerizing vistas of the Costa Brava.
The architects achieve this remarkable openness through ingenious joinery solutions. All the doors fold seamlessly into the walls, creating a unified space when open. The access to the plot further enhances this connection between the interior and exterior. Both pedestrian and vehicular access arrive through the roof, maximizing space and offering stunning views from the moment you enter the property.
A large, sculptural concrete volume defines the house's visual identity. This monolithic structure is given personality through two strategically placed "bites" – openings that house all the rooms' windows and doors. These openings, however, are not simply static portals; they transform seamlessly through large, natural wood sliding doors. This innovative approach allows the residents to control the level of openness, creating a dynamic interplay between interior and exterior spaces.
While the architectural brilliance takes centre stage, the subtle yet impactful role of Otiima's Drain System is worth mentioning. This innovative system seamlessly integrates with the design, providing a hidden sill and a single slot for each track, resulting in a frameless glazing solution that complements the contemporary aesthetics of the house.
The 1615 House is more than just a residence; it's a living testament to the transformative power of architecture. By embracing challenges and pushing boundaries, this project offers a glimpse into a future where homes seamlessly blend with their environment, creating spaces that inspire, invigorate, and truly wow.
Architecture : Nordest Arquitectura
OTIIMA System:
: Spain
OTIIMA Distributor : Alumilux
Photo: Filippo Poli